SABIHA LLC is one of the largest, successfully and rapidly developing distribution companies in the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan, engaged in wholesale trade and distribution of food products, household chemicals. The company was founded in 2004 and occupies a key position in the development of distribution throughout the country. The direction of the company’s activity is direct distribution and logistics of products, through its own sales departments.
Our main advantage is that we are a team of professionals with significant theoretical background, supported by practical skills. 20 years of experience of the company, joint search for solutions to issues and mutual support allow us to achieve maximum efficiency in our work.
We constantly monitor external and internal factors to improve the efficiency of the company.
The company has its own vehicle fleet. Well-established logistics allows delivering products to large, medium and small cities, as well as to the most remote regions.
As a result of our work, we improve the quality of human life, because we offer only natural, safe products.
We are open and honest in our work with our business partners, consumers and ourselves. We are a reliable company and always strive to develop and maintain honest and mutually beneficial relationships. Our partners can be confident in us.
Stability and result orientation. We work to achieve our goals, assuming maximum responsibility for the results of our work.
Responsibility accompanies us in all our affairs. We keep our promises and are responsible for the result and quality of our work.
The priority direction of our work is the establishment of strong, long-term relationships with our partners, which is the guarantor of our stability.
High-quality work of the logistics system with minimal costs, as a feature of the company (“visiting card”). Achieving a highly professional level of work of top managers of the company, all departments. One of the development priorities for us is to increase the efficiency of the company and optimize operating costs. These priorities ensure the stable operation of the company and are the foundation for increasing competitiveness.
To be a leader in the market of the Republic of Tajikistan in the field of distribution of goods” Our management philosophy:
The challenge of becoming a distinctive company is as much time consuming as it is ambitious. Therefore, we will have to go through a series of changes that will affect both the work inside the company and our external appearance.
In order to become an internally and externally strong brand, we must successfully solve a number of important tasks:
* Maintain our leadership position by constantly improving the competitiveness of our brand.
* Become leaders in efficiency among Tajik distribution companies, constantly strive to optimize their activities, directing profits to business development and to improving the welfare of all company employees.
Sughd region, Khujand,
st. Shark 84
Tel: 55-0000-119
Khatlon region,
Bokhtar, st. Ubaidulloev 15
Tel: 55-0000-352
Sughd region,
Penjikent, st. L. Sherali
Tel: 55-0000-365
Khatlon region,
Vose district, Khulbuk city, st. S. Kabir
Tel: 55-0000-315
If you have any questions, please feel free to
and write to us.